Infertility: Costs and Options

When you’re ready to raise a family and the stars aren’t aligning no matter how hard you try, opting for fertility treatments is the right choice for many couples. Adoption is a great option, but it can be lengthy and expensive. Unfortunately, infertility can be costly as well. Understanding where you stand financially, what options are available to you, and how much those options cost can be extremely helpful in planning for a family in a less traditional means. 


Know Your Means

Before you can seriously begin to weigh which option is best, you need a solid grasp of your financial situation. Each option has its own price tag, so you need to know your limits, especially considering that infertility treatments are only the initial expense in having a child. Prepare to follow up fertility treatments with the additional costs of being pregnant and giving birth, setting up a nursery, and  raising a child all the way through college.

Consult a Financial Specialist

Sitting down with a financial planner or consultant can yield a clearer understanding of your finances -- what you can afford out of pocket or the best options for funding the process. As infertility treatments have grown more popular, payment options, plans, and financing solutions have become increasingly creative. Not every insurance plan will completely cover the costs, and some policies won’t cover them at all. Make sure to look into what your insurance plan considers “necessary” when it comes to fertility treatments. 

IUI: Intrauterine Insemination

Also known as "artificial insemination," IUI fertility solutions has been used for centuries. This option can serve as an effective treatment for many families, but it is not always the best option. Issues like tubal blockages or damage, ovarian failure or menopause, more severe cases of male infertility, or endometriosis may require alternative treatments. The prices you might expect to pay for IUI cycle treatments vary based on your insurance, your doctor, and your geographic region. On the low end, it can cost you $275. On the high end, it can cost upwards of $2,400. It’s best to shop around and find out what the procedure will cost in your area.

IVF: In Vitro Fertilization

IVF is similar to IUI, except instead of inseminating the egg in the uterus, a live embryo is transplanted into the womb. This comes with a much higher price tag, averaging about $8,500 without including the cost of medications. However, it is important to understand that IVF offers optimal results for mothers between 23-39 years. Tobacco use, a high BMI, and a variety of other factors can make successful IVF even more challenging. 

ICSI: Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection

ICSI is quite similar to IVF, except in this case, a specific sperm cell is physically injected into the ovum to insure fertilization, and then the embryo is transplanted into the womb. This is particularly ideal when the male partner has been pinpointed as the source of the fertility concerns. The base price of this procedure is found by taking the price of IVF and then adding about $1,500 to the price tag.