Infertility Support Groups: Effective Methods

Infertility support groups will help you understand infertility, its nature and causes, its available therapies and treatments, and more importantly, the fact that you are not alone in your journey. Infertility diagnosis will be a source of grief for you and your partner who, for months or years, have been trying to conceive a child. Discovering such a diagnosis will undoubtedly be very difficult to deal with and infertility support groups may be your best method for coping with such a traumatic situation.


Infertility or fertility support groups are composed of men and women who share very similar problems, issues, and conditions. Fertility support groups in particular are for those who have fertility challenges and are seeking a venue for emotions, grievances, apprehensions and concerns. Infertility support groups offer you the opportunity to draw on the group's collective experiences. Those who have "been there" are the most qualified people to offer you tips on how to cope with infertility.

Using Infertility Support Groups For Emotional Guidance

The emotional support you can gain from infertility support groups is immeasurable. When you join a group, you will immediately encounter individuals who have already shared your experience or are in the same situation as you currently are. In support group sessions, you and your partner can share your experiences and let go of feelings and emotions that have not yet been verbalized. Support group sessions offer a safe and non-judgmental venue where individuals can freely acknowledge their feelings. Aside from the emotional aspect, support groups can generally decrease your anxiety and elevate your mood. Seeing the progress in other participants will provide you with optimism for the future.

Infertility support groups provide a means of exchanging relevant resources. At group meetings, individuals and couples can exchange tips and tools in the form of books, DVDs, and therapy information. This is perhaps the most valuable aspect of infertility support groups, as medical information, community resources, and treatment information are exchanged.

If you and your loved one are unable to conceive a second biological child, there are groups you can join as well. Secondary infertility support groups are for those who are having difficulties in growing their families. Secondary infertility support groups generally share the same causes as primary infertility; therefore, just like infertility support groups, secondary infertility groups will provide you with the resources and support you will need to cope with your situation.

Alternative Forms of Support Groups

For families with a strong emphasis on religion, some procedures or options may leave you wondering if these go against some of your principles. For philosophical questions and families of faith, finding a support group through your local church, synagogue, or mosque may be the best option. Many of these groups can provide not only the benefits you receive from a traditional support group, but the extra help that comes with trying to understand the purpose of your struggle.

Finding an infertility group need not be difficult. You can identify options through social work groups, private organizations, churches, and charities. Likewise, you can benefit from infertility support groups online. Infertility support groups online will allow you to connect with people regardless of time and location, thereby expanding your network and source of support.